(KANSAS) SC Newswire: Topeka's Westboro Baptist church says it intends to protest Heath Ledger's memorial service because he played a gay character in "Brokeback Mountain" and the book of Corinthians clearly states that God dislikes Broadway musicals, films depicting groups of 12 or more men and half-naked pictures of His son floating around the Internet.
In a news release from the church, Shirley Phelps-Roper (wife of the human rights activist Fred Phelps--pictured here) says that she and other members will picket Ledger's memorial services in the United States, not those held in his native Australia because they are not sure how to read a world atlas.
"You cannot live in defiance of God," she said. "He (Heath Ledger) got on that big screen with a big, fat message: God is a liar and it's OK to be gay. Well, he got what was coming to him and now he is in Hell. God don’t lie. No sir! That other actor is next! Hell is hot! Hell burns. Hell is real.”
Westboro has sparked controversy by protesting at funerals for soldiers killed in Iraq. The church says soldier deaths are punishment for America's tolerance of homosexuality. Using this same logic, the church was able to compute the number of morons it takes to hold a sign in an upright position for more that four minutes. "The number was astounding," according to the Center for the Public Understanding of Astrophysics and Theoretical Mathematics.
The church also provided a link to a picture of the flyer they will use, but it was removed from the image sharing site "Photo Bucket" because it contained a close-up of Fred Phelps’ face that was liable to promote catastrophic projectile vomiting among otherwise healthy individuals.