duminică, 30 ianuarie 2011

Garden of Eden Discovered!

(Tennessee) SC Newswire: Forget, for a moment, what you know about molecular biology, forensic anthropology, paleontology and ethology. Forget the fact that humans are a species of ape that began evolving in Africa over 4-million-years ago, or that DNA elucidates our cousinship to all living specimens. Forget that 20% of our genes are shared with worms. Forget the fact that all species were not created simultaneously and that there is, roughly, a 10-billion-year difference between the age of the earth and the age of the universe. Forget what you know about the fossil record, embryology, genetic mutation rates, selection pressure, geological testing, ecology, genealogical records, patterns of speciation, biogeography, the gradual extinction of almost every species, gravitational “theory,” atomic “theory,” evolutionary “theory,” theoretical physics, primate lineage, Burgess Shale impressions, intermediate skeletal traits between reptiles and mammals, antibiotic resistance in bacteria, moth color phylogeny via bird predation, artificial selection, quantitative-trait-loci, adaptation and electroweak symmetry breaking. In fact, forget everything...

This National Geographic photo, recently taken at the
Cherokee Lodge in Crossville, Tennessee, conclusively proves the retroactive validity of Adam and Eve, the story of Genesis and the ultimate significance of original sin. Amen!


Anonymous said...
But will the circle be unbroken? Or is that what the theorists would have you believe?
Anonymous said...
Forget all that? Supposing all you said above about "evidence" is true. Then what makes your ideas about evolution any more reliable than religious people's ideas? Aren't they both the results of neuro-chemical reactions in equally evolved craniums? Your position crumbles under its own weight. Naturalism must have some explaining to do. Gosh, its like you naturalists never THINK of integratingn your worldview of Origins with the other 4 important life questions (Identity, Morality, Destiny, and Purpose). Congratulations again on being so lopsided and irratioinal! "Challenging thinkers to believe and believers to think" -Josh Caleb-
Anonymous said...
What a wonderful family photograph for the foyer.
Anonymous said...
Ani Rolen said... Actually, anonymous (this is to the second post) there are many naturalist and atheists who do talk about those very things: morality, identity, destiny and purpose. No, humans aren't at the center of these discussions and aren't the be all end all, so perhaps THIS is why you might not recognize it. And to say that one idea is as true as another simply because both came out of equally evolved brains would mean that I could say "Water is not Wet" and that too is true. Since, of course, as you so astutely point out, it came from my equally evolved brain. So everything is true then following your logic. What an incredibly informed conclusion!